{\"to\":[[\"transaction.to\", 0.9, \"Direct match with `to` field in `transaction`\"], [\"log[PacketReceived].args.dstAddress\", 0.7, \"Could potentially be the destination address for the cross-chain transaction, inferred from packet received log\"]], \"token\":[[\"log[Transfer].args.to\", 0.8, \"Inferred from the transfer logs where the token is moved\"]], \"amount\":[[\"log[Transfer].args.value\", 0.85, \"Direct match with `value` in the transfer event, which can represent token amount\"]], \"chain\":[[\"args.srcChainId\", 0.8, \"Refers to the source chain ID from the transaction details\"], [\"args.dstChainId\", 0.6, \"Possibly referring to the destination chain, inferred from log details\"]], \"timestamp\":[[\"transaction.timeStamp\", 1.0, \"Direct match with timestamp of the transaction\"]]}